Rudy Croce Home > Testimonials
My name is Rudy Croce. I live in the province of Macerata, Southern Italy.
I started practicing carp fishing in 1997. In private life I project and build boat consoles. I'm always looking for big specimens along the Adriatic coast area. I usually fish both in commercial fisheries and in natural lakes but the environment that definitely attract me most are the lakes with brackish water.
In the 2011 I managed to catch several carps over 20 kg, but I still feel an incredible emotion at every single beep coming from my carp alarms. This passion never faded in these 15 years, it rather increased more and more. Having the opportunity and the chance to share my great passion within such an important group of people as the K-Karp team is the result of great commitment and great dedication I have for this sport.
My motto is: "Never leave anything to chance", therefore I am extremely meticulous during the preparation of my sessions and I always had a great pay back from it.